TDW on

17 09 2010

I’m thrilled to announce a new partnership with, where I will be writing a weekly column on – what else? – teen dramas.

I’ve linked to in quite a few News Roundups, and I’m honored they’ve asked me to become a contributor.

Each week I will share some highlights and lowlights from the new 90210, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill episodes.

I think this is a perfect way for you and me to still get a TDW fix (with a twist!) while my general hiatus continues.

Be sure to check out my first column (and come back next week!), and keep checking TDW for occasional updates.


In a weird turn of events befitting of a teen drama post-college years storyline (ala on Beverly Hills 90210 or One Tree Hill), I received a job offer a mere few days after writing this post.

I’ve since accepted the offer, a position at the New York Daily News where I’ll be covering gossip/entertainment for their website. Like with most big-time journalism gigs, my services must remain exclusive to that publication – meaning, I can’t write for or any other outlet.

I’m so grateful that wanted me to contribute to their site, and even more grateful that you guys were excited to read my columns there. I’m sorry my tenure there had to end so quickly, but this new job was an opportunity that could not be passed up.

Hope you’ll look for my byline in a few weeks at!


2 09 2010



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I wrote the below on 9-02-10 Day. Now, on the 30th anniversary of the “Beverly Hills, 90210” premiere, all I’ll say is this: Stay tuned.

The original post continues below.


First, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy 9-02-10 Day.

It pains me to no end to announce that is going on an indefinite hiatus.

This is a decision that I’ve come to after months of careful consideration, critical thinking and heartache. It is due to personal and professional reasons, the biggest of which is my schedule.

I simply no longer have the time to operate at the standard I would like, the standard that the site deserves and you, the reader, deserve.

I am one person who, with a limited number of resources and connections, covers six shows in her spare time. But my productivity has been hindered lately due to a number of factors, and I’ve come to realize that if I am going to operate a site, I want it to be an excellent one and not a mediocre one. I want to make a difference, not merely exist.

In an ideal world, I would move to Los Angeles, pour a lot of money into the site and devote myself completely to it. Unfortunately, that is not an option at this time, and I’ve been operating the site at a deficit and focusing on it in the early morning hours and late evening/night hours while I work full-time. It is not feasible to continue this way at this point in time, no matter how passionate I am about this genre.

And I do remain deeply, deeply passionate about teen dramas. Though it’s kind of sad, I also think it’s fitting that I am announcing this on 9-02-10 Day. If it weren’t for an elementary school student becoming obsessed with a so-called racy show known as Beverly Hills 90210, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to converse with all of you. This site was born out of a desire to find not just Beverly Hills 90210 fans, but Dawson’s Creek fans, The O.C. fans, One Tree Hill fans, Gossip Girl fans, and 90210 fans – or, in other words, fellow TeenDramaWhores – with whom I could share my passion. I never set out to do interviews, live-blog episodes, curate video content or the vast majority of things I’ve done on TDW, but they are things I’m very proud of. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities that have come my way, and I am thankful for all those who have participated in the process.

I truly hope to be able to resume updating the site at some point down the road, but I can’t promise I will. Do keep an eye out, though, because you never know what can happen. In the meantime, all the content will remain for you to peruse whenever you want, and I strongly encourage anyone who wants to chat about the shows to contact me via Twitter, Facebook,or e-mail. As I said, I remain passionate about the genre and extremely interested in talking with other fans. I’d be more than happy to chat about last night’s episode, whether the latest gossip is a spoiler or a foiler, and just about anything else you can imagine.

My love for teen dramas knows no bounds, and I hope our friendships don’t either. My biggest hesitation in deciding to go on hiatus was because of you, the reader. If it weren’t for the fact that more people that I ever imagined were reading this site, I might’ve stopped as quickly as I started. I sincerely thank you for your support and I sincerely hope you don’t feel abandoned in any way.

I’d like to reiterate many of the thanks that I extended in my TDW Anniversary post and thank anyone since then who has visited the site, spread the word or helped me in some way. You know who you are and you are forever in my teen drama heart.

Exclusive: Cari Moskow on Being a True Teen Drama Whore

11 04 2010

(Full Disclosure: I conducted this interview in December. For various reasons, it wasn’t published until now. That is not a reflection on Cari at all but rather my own shortcomings. I sincerely apologize to her for the delay.)

I called myself a TeenDramaWhore long before I started this Web site. As I explain on the About The Whore page, a TeenDramaWhore is someone who is obsessed with teen dramas. But what is a true, real-life teen drama whore? That’s easy. Someone who plays a whore on a teen drama!

Cari Moskow has no problem admitting she’s just that, playing a prostitute on One Tree Hill in three different seasons. (Her character, Patty, was first introduced to viewers in Episode 4.04, Can’t Stop This Thing We’ve Started, where Ian “Psycho Derek” Banks–a.k.a. Matt Barr–gets a little, um, psycho with her. ) Moskow gave me the low-down on what she thinks about being Tree Hill’s most recognizable hooker.

TeenDramaWhore: How did you get involved with One Tree Hill in the first place?

Cari Moskow: When I decided to start professionally acting, I was going on lots of auditions in the Southeast and I had an agent that said [the movie] Hounddog needed a stand-in. And I said, “Sure, that would be an awesome opportunity. It sure beats all the random jobs that I’m doing.” So I went on to Hounddog and I stood in for Robin Wright Penn. I became friends with a camera operator, who was actually the DP for One Tree Hill. He just loved me and was like, “You know, you would be great to stand-in on the show. If you ever want to do it sometime, let us know.” So I first did stand-in a little bit.

TDW: For those that don’t know, what does a stand-in do?

Moskow: Every director of photography is different but they want a stand-in who ideally has similar characteristics of the [project’s lead] actress. There’s always a first rehearsal with the actress in the scene. You watch what they’re doing in the rehearsal and then they go into hair and makeup. They’re filming all day and it’s time-consuming. They have to change wardrobe usually, touch-up hair and makeup. So they go into hair and makeup and the stand-in will do the scene, like the actors did. The crew is lighting you. Sometimes they’ll have you do the lines. Whatever they need you to do for the camera shots to get set up for the scene. You learn a lot. It’s a lot of fun. You get to be around the actors. But you also get to practice being comfortable on set, so it was very beneficial for me.

I did this a little bit on One Tree Hill and I had already been acting when I was doing stand-in work. I told the producers and gave them a copy of my acting reel. I was like, “If anything comes up, I’d love to read for the part.” Then one day they said to me, “We want you to read for something. We have something that you might want to go for.” And my agent did not submit me because the role of the prostitute was a brunette and I’m a blonde. But the producers asked me to go in and read. I went and read like everyone else. They had a director in the room and I didn’t know the director, since they have a different director in every episode. I read the sides for the prostitute and I noticed in the room that I had dressed completely differently from everyone else, which I thought was awesome because you have to pick something different to stand out from everyone else. The break-down said something about a rocker tee and leather jacket. I had this jacket that had like fur on it and I had this 80s t-shirt pulled down off my shoulder and a red bra hanging out and I had red lipstick on. I really became the character. I nailed the audition and my agent–because it had to go through her then–ended up calling me and telling me I got the role. That’s pretty much how it happened. It was right place, right time, right look–everything just lined up.

TDW: Did you have any qualms about the role? I mean, it was a) a prostitute and b) one that gets the crap beat out of her.

Moskow: No, I loved it. I really did. As an actress, it’s nice to play something completely different from who you are. That’s what’s fun about it. What I love about acting is that I have my life and what I like to do but I am also able to live in the shoes of someone else. You really experience what [something’s] like. The farther from home, the better. It’s just fun.

TDW: When we saw you again in season 5, [Episode 5.11, You’re Gonna Need Someone On Your Side], it’s Patty again and she’s still a prostitute but now she gets tangled up with Dan [Paul Johansson]. Did the show ask you to come back?

Moskow: Yes. They’ll call you up and ask you to come back and send you the script. That was a lot of fun. It was kind of like Patty cleaned up a little bit but was also back to her old ways.

TDW: Then we saw you again in this season [Episode 7.05, Your Cheatin’ Heart], just a few months ago. We saw you in jail but it was never said whether it was the same character or not.

Moskow: It was the same character. I think they did it for the comedy of it. To show [Patty] is a Tree Hill community member and she’s still around. I think they just thought it was funny because they had prostitutes in the jail cell with Haley [Bethany Joy Galeotti] and were like, “why not just have Patty back?” I’m not a major part of the scene or anything but they thought it would be fun to refresh the memory and show that I’m still around for the fans that do remember. Like, “Well, yep, she’s still getting in trouble.”

TDW: People did recognize your face and did wonder if it was a wink-wink at the audience. Have you done any more standing-in there?

Moskow: No, I’ve actually been living in New York.

TDW: What are you doing there?

Moskow: I went there for training. I got with a studio and I have a manager and an agent there. I’ve worked on some various projects. I’m actually in North Carolina at the moment with family for the holidays. I am moving to L.A. in January. I love New York and I actually miss it so much already but for film and TV, what I’m really concentrating on, and the connections that I have, I feel like L.A. will be a smarter move for me. Every actor struggles with “New York or L.A.? New York or L.A.?” But I’m also a surfer and I love the beach. I’m really into healthy food. It seems like all-around I’ll have a really nice time in L.A.

TDW: Are you originally from the Wilmington area?

Moskow: Yes.

TDW: So you kind of grew up with Dawson’s Creek filming there and One Tree Hill.

Moskow: Yep.

TDW: What do you love about Wilmington?

Moskow: I love the beach. I love that the downtown is right on the water. But I’m a beach girl.

TDW: Any chance we’ll see you again on One Tree Hill?

Moskow: They write the episodes weekly so you probably know as much as I do. I wouldn’t be surprised if something came up. It’s hard to say. But of course I would love to go back. I love filming in a city like Wilmington. Everyone is so friendly and it’s just like family on the set, especially since it’s been seven seasons. So I would definitely love to come back but we will have to see.

TDW: Are you on Twitter?

Moskow: I am not on Twitter, actually. I’m on Facebook and I have a MySpace. But Twitter, I guess I’ll eventually do that. I also have a Web site that I’ve been creating and updating myself. It’s all in steps.

TDW: Baby steps; one thing at a time.

Moskow: Exactly. It takes up a lot of time. There’s only so much you can do.

TDW: Twitter these days is just such a great way to interact with fans. There’s a huge One Tree Hill community there that will hungrily eat up–in a good way–any actor that comes on and is willing to talk with them.

Moskow: I will make it a goal then for 2010 to get on Twitter.

Come back next Sunday for another exclusive interview!

TDW Interview Index

TeenDramaWhore Taking Submissions

9 04 2010

Do you have ideas for…

  • a YouTube video of the week?
  • a site of the week?
  • a series of posts?
  • a guest post?
  • the site in general?

TeenDramaWhore is still taking reader contributions.

Please send an e-mail to

Happy Anniversary, TDW!

29 12 2009

I published my very first post on Dec. 29, 2008, even though no one knew I existed.

At the time, I didn’t know what shape would take. I had no idea that soon enough I’d be reviewing the current shows each week, holding trivia nights on Twitter, giving away contest prizes or interviewing beloved teen drama actors.

Nearly 950 posts and one year later, my underlying mission has been accomplished. I wanted to find people that shared my passion for teen dramas and had as much an urge to discuss it as I did. I’m pleased to now know there’s quite a few TeenDramaWhores out there.

I want to thank each and every one of you who ever checked out a post on the site, left a comment, retweeted a link or just showed your support in some way.

There’s a few people in particular I need to recognize:

Madeline for designing my awesome header.

Amy at for being the first site to ever link to TDW.

Christy-Anne at for being my Twitter-busting partner-in-crime and for providing endless moral support.

Angela at Talking Gossip After Dark for promoting TDW in each podcast and seeking my contributions.

Jethro Nededog of The Los Angeles Times for being a legitimate journalist who actually takes my work seriously and spreads it around.

The CW for sharing TDW posts on Twitter.

The One Tree Hill family for also sharing TDW posts on Twitter.

Any publicist or manager who has ever granted me an interview or confirmed a Twitter account or even just responded to my e-mails.

Any actor or teen drama role player who has agreed to be interviewed.

And you for, if nothing else, reading this post right now.

Despite many milestones this past year, TDW still has a lot of growing to do. I’ll spend the next few days reflecting on where we’ve been and sharing my hopes for the future.

I hope you’ll come along with me on this look-back journey and stick around for Year Two.

Exclusive: One Tree Hill’s Lee Norris Answers YOUR Questions!

8 11 2009

This was the third time I’ve interviewed Lee Norris (Mouth, One Tree Hill) but I can’t say “third time’s a charm” because he’s been charming every time.  And this time around, as we caught up on the phone, he was gracious enough to answer questions submitted by YOU!

TeenDramaWhore: Since we just spoke a few months ago, today I thought I would do things a little bit differently.  I asked my readers, your fans, to send in questions. So this is coming directly from them.

Lee Norris: Alright, very cool.

TDW: So Em wants to know: Do you hang out with any of your One Tree Hill costars in your  free time?

Norris: Yeah, absolutely. We’re a tight-knit family and we’ve worked together for going on seven years here so we definitely hang out. Sophia [Bush, Brooke] is a great friend of mine and we have new faces now like Austin [Nichols, Julian], who’s a good kid. You know, pretty much everyone.  We all hang out when we can. We work different schedules.

TDW: Okay, and Zella wants to know: In last week’s episode, Mouth got the idea of doing his own sports webshow/website as his new career path, and she’s wondering what web-series, podcasts, and websites do you pay attention to in real-life. And if you are into web 2.0 & social media like we are.

Norris: That’s a good question. I’m not a huge blog-follower. Other than, of course, TeenDramaWhore, a big shout-out there.

TDW: Thank you!

Norris: But I don’t go to too many blog sites. My girlfriend reads some of that stuff and will send interesting things to me so I pretty much rely on her. But otherwise, I’m pretty typical, you know, viewer and I try to keep up with a couple of my favorite bands’ blogs in terms of their upcoming concerts and things like diaries that they’re doing and stuff.  So that kind of thing. I’m not a huge–like I don’t do Twitter. I think it’s a really cool thing and I just don’t think I’m exciting enough to have a Twitter personally.

TDW: Awww.

Norris: I don’t. I just feel like, I don’t know. Maybe people would be interested. I guess they probably would considering I have a really cool job and work with some pretty cool people but otherwise I don’t think they really care about me eating my chicken sandwich from Chik-fil-A.

TDW: You never know.  Lauren wants to know if the cast is planning on doing anymore tours or charity events?

Norris: You know, those kinds of things have always been driven by our producers. They’re really the force behind that, and the network. So it’s not typically up to the cast, but, that being said, I would love to go out and do any of those kind of things because anytime we get to go out and see the fans face-to-face, it’s obviously the best part of the job for me, to get to meet all of our fans because they’re the reason we’ve been around for so long and it’s nice when you can step outside of this little world we have in Wilmington and see that what we’re doing on this little soundstage is affecting people that live in other countries. It’s just amazing to see that it affects people in a real-life way. So I’d be all for that. And I really want–I’d really like to some, you know, we’ve been over the states quite a bit but it’d be nice to sort of go out and do some international stuff.

TDW: And Lauren also wants to know if you are interested in directing an episode.

Norris: Yeah. I would eventually like to move into directing. It’s been really fun to work with James [Lafferty, Nathan] and Soph and [Bethany Joy Galeotti, Haley] and Paul [Johansson, Dan] and watch them do it. I’m the kind of person–I’m like a major organizer and preparer. I don’t typically like to take something on until I feel like I’ve learned every possible thing about it, and directing is such a huge task that I feel like I’m still sort of figuring that whole world out. I’m observing a lot and trying to learn as much as I can, so that if the opportunity comes along, that, you know, obviously I can do–I can hopefully do–a great job. But, yeah, I’d be interested in that eventually.

TDW: A reader by the username of g90210th wants to know: Besides Mouth, who is your favorite character currently on the show, and why?

Norris: Ooh, that’s a good question! Wow. I don’t know. Is it really bad to say that Dan is my favorite character?

TDW: Not at all!  That’s totally fine.

Norris: I don’t know, it’s kind of weird. I don’t know.  I’m always, you know, intrigued as to what’s going on in that man’s mind because he’s just so…Obviously I don’t like him at all but I’m always sort of waiting to see what he’s got up his sleeve and currently kind of interesting to me is, is he really the bad guy in his relationship  right now or is Rachel [Dannel Harris] the bad guy?  They’re both pretty bad. That’s kind of interesting to me at the moment so I guess I’ll go with Dan. I bet most people wouldn’t pick Mouth to say that.

TDW: Keren wants to know: If you could be in any TV series beside OTH, which series would it be? Which character?

Norris: Okay, I’d definitely would love to be on True Blood, which is a show about vampires. I would definitely want to be–well, first of all it’s set in the South and I’m from the South so I definitely just want to be a cool, majorly-centuries-old vampire that’s really really bad-ass, I guess. I don’t know. I didn’t get swept away in the whole Twilight thing but the True Blood craze is pretty cool.  It’s a neat show.

TDW: Keren also wants to know: If you could visit any country in the world right now, which country would it be?

Norris: That’s a good question, too.  Gosh, you know I’ve always wanted to go to Australia but I’ve never been. I almost studied abroad there in college and it fell through at the last minute. I’ve heard wonderful things about the people and the beaches and the weather.  I’d like to do that. It’s just a long flight from here. There’s a number of places I’d like to go but  I’ve been lucky to travel to some great countries already and Australia’s one of the ones, unfortunately, I haven’t been to yet.

TDW: Becky wants to know: How has the cast changed this season with the departure of Chad [Michael Murray, Lucas] and Hilarie [Burton, Peyton] and the addition of some of the new actors?

Norris: Obviously we miss Chad and Hil because we worked for them for six years and, you know, it’s tough to say goodbye to people after that long  but, you know, I think One Tree Hill is really an ensemble show at its core. I think there’s enough of “old people” around that the show still has interesting stories left to tell about the characters. And I think you still feel the presence of Lucas and Peyton from time to time, which is important. In terms of the new characters, you know, I feel like they’ve tried to balance so you’re not completely immersed in new storylines only without the old stuff. Obviously, you know, Rob Buckley’s character Clay just had a huge revelation in terms of you finding out he’s been married and his wife passed away tragically, and I think that was a really smart way to introduce that character because certainly it’s hard enough to deal with that and obviously he’s kind of good to Nathan and Haley who are a big core part of the show. So I think that’s interesting ,and Jana Kramer [Alex] is really funny and has a lot of energy as Alex so I think they’re doing a good job of balancing the new characters so far.

TDW: Okay.  A different Lauren wants to know: When the show eventually ends, what are your plans?

Norris: Well, my plans are hopefully to continue acting because I love it. It’s a passion of mine and I’d like to continue doing it for as along as I can. And I certainly wouldn’t mind moving behind the camera, as I said, to directing. I’d look for those opportunities.

TDW: Okay, this one’s a little bit longer.  Lauren also wants to know: If you could describe each of your castmates with one word, what would it be?

Norris: Oh, wow. Okay, I’ll try. This is going to be like word association. It’s going to be like right off the bad.  So, each cast member?

TDW: Yes.

Norris: Okay. For Sophia I would say intelligent. For Austin I would say wily–in a good way. I guess that’s more than one word but anyway. For James I would say focused. Let’s see.  Gosh, I’m trying to think. We have so many cast members! For Rob I would say polite. For Lisa [Goldstein, Millicent] I would say genuine. For Paul I would say mischievous.  For Antwon [Tanner, Skills] I would say talkative. (laughs) Who am I missing? Oh, I haven’t done Joy. Oh gosh.  That’s a tough one. Let’s see.  What would I say about Joy? I would say she is…gosh, I would say, I don’t know.  She’s like such a unique person and complex. Let’s go with multi-talented.

TDW: Yeah, she definitely has that going for.

Norris: She does.  The girl is like–I don’t know if people know this but she just put together like a Broadway musical pretty much.

TDW: I know! I’m looking forward to seeing it. I hope it goes far.

Norris: She’s insanely talented. Is that everybody?

TDW: Yeah, I think you got the core cast down really well.

Norris: Oh, Shantel [VanSanten, Quinn]. I didn’t do Shantel.  She’s glamorous.

TDW: Okay. And what can you tell us about your storyline for the rest of this season?

Norris: Well I can tell you that Mouth’s in a bit of a predicament right now because he just lost his job after sticking up for Nathan. So he’s gotta figure out his career path and obviously in the last episode Julian sort of planted a seed in him, thinking about the internet so it’s going to be interesting to see if he can pick that up and run with it. And certainly I think also really important to him is obviously his relationship with Millicent and she’s starting to go down a little bit of a questionable path here after being introduced to this modeling world. How is he going to maintain this relationship with the girl that he loves but who’s changing right before his eyes? He’s got a lot to deal with. There’s no shortage of drama in Tree Hill, you know that.

TDW: And lastly, do you have any message for the fans?

Norris: Well, obviously anytime I get a chance to say anything to the fans, after seven years, we have to say thank you.  They are absolutely without a doubt the reason we’re still on the air and I just thank them for their passion and their support because obviously, you know, this is a lot of fun for this. This is a job and we appreciate the fact that you guys let us into your homes every week. So I would say thank you because I don’t think I’ll ever be able say to say thank you enough.

TDW: Well, thank you so much, Lee.  I really appreciate you taking the time to do this.

Norris: Of course, Shari. It’s always fun to talk to you so keep up the good work.

TDW: Thank you.  I hope you’ll continue to check out the site.

Norris: I will. I love it when you interview my friends.

TDW: They have such great things to say about you!

Norris: It’s pretty nice. Alright, Shari, take care!

TDW: Thank you, you too!

Come back Tuesday for another exclusive interview!

TDW Interview Index

TeenDramaWhore Taking Submissions

3 10 2009

Do you have ideas for…

  • a YouTube video of the week?
  • a site of the week?
  • a series of posts?
  • a guest post?
  • the site in general?

TeenDramaWhore is now taking reader contributions.

Please send an e-mail to

Lee Norris on

11 08 2009

“I checked out “” and I have to say that is the coolest website name.”

Exclusive: Joe Manganiello on Owen’s Future in Tree Hill

26 07 2009

Joe Manganiello is one heckuva long name.  But just say Owen and One Tree Hill fans know exactly who he is. Manganiello’s credits also include Spider-Man, How I Met Your Mother, American Heiress, ER, Til Death and Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia.

Manganiello spoke with me about Owen’s future in Tree Hill, his memories from the set and his upcoming projects.

TeenDramaWhore: What was the audition process like for One Tree Hill?  Did you have any idea at the time that Owen would go on to appear in more than just a few episodes?

Joe Manganiello: I auditioned against 20-30 guys. They called me in to read twice and then let me know I got it. They sent me three scripts at once so I knew I would be around for at least that long… -but- the first director I worked with was a complete asshole to me… He came up to me after the first take of my first scene on my first day of shooting and started the most disrespectful things any director has ever said to me… I’ve never been talked to like that at work and I’ve worked on really dense classical material with Moscow art theatre directors… I mean here we are doing a simple flirting scene between Brooke and Owen and this jerk doesn’t even pull me aside… He walks up to me in earshot of the rest of the crew and says… “who hired you?” to which I replied… “the show creator Mark Schwahn and the producer Joe Davola.” “in LA?” “yes.” “did you do that?” “well, we didn’t do that scene in the audition but yeah… that’s pretty much what I did…” He then proceeded to lecture me on what he thinks bartenders are like for several minutes until I interrupted him and suggested that “maybe I could smile more… how would that be?” “yeah, okay… try that…” It was brutal… I was a bartender when I was younger… I worked in bars and clubs from the time I was 16 years old… And I’ve been flirting with pretty girls since long before that… How far off the mark was I??? It took everything in me to not punch this old guy in the face… But I kept my mouth shut and put my head down and did the scene… And I’ve been on the show ever since… That one scene turned into 12 episodes and would have probably been more if I didn’t leave to shoot “Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia.”

TDW: Do you have a favorite scene or storyline from your time on the show?

Manganiello: I loved “Browen” and acting with Sophia Bush [Brooke]… I thought that there was a lot of chemistry in our relationship and I was excited to see what would have happened if we had a kid together.

TDW: Two of your most memorable scenes, I think, are when you rescued Rachel (Danneel Harris) and when you surprised Brooke in her car.  In the former, it was the first time we saw depth and range in your character.  In the latter, well, nudity is always noteworthy and it was repetition of a motif used throughout the series.  What did you think of those scenes when you read the script, filmed them and/or watched them on TV?

Manganiello: The nudity in the back of the car made me nervous [ed note: episode 6.9, Sympathy for the Devil] … But I’ve found that if I get nervous… Then it’s usually going to be a good scene… I was in a play in new york where I was full frontal nude and it was intense… I also did a show about my life in college in which I started out naked in the Terminator pose while heavy metal was blazing through these speakers… So I’m no stranger to it… But it sure does get your heart pounding… That coupled with the fact that a bunch of fans hung out across the street and were taking pictures with their camera phones made for an interesting morning of filming… But I must say… I loved the end product… I thought that that scene was hilarious… I thought that the “Browen” relationship brought some much needed laughter to an otherwise extremely dark season six.

TDW: Were you familiar with Slamball before it was written into the script?  What was it like shooting those scenes?

Manganiello: I knew that Slamball had existed but I didn’t understand the rules and didn’t realize that it was a professional league and had been around for as long as it had… I had two weeks of training before we started shooting and four days in I pulled a muscle next to my spine. I thought that because of the level of pain that I was in that I had cracked a vertebrae. I mean, it hurt to lay down. It was really scary. I was in so much pain. My poor girlfriend at the time was really scared. She didn’t know what to do… I went in for an MRI and I was prepared for the worst but they found that it was just a pulled muscle and would heal completely. They put me on some high powered anti-inflamatory pills and I got back in there just in time to film the scenes… The actual shooting days were extremely long and grueling. A lot of my action involved getting a full head of steam and colliding with guys who were all-American college linebackers. I can only describe it like repeatedly recreating a car crash for 16 hours every day. Oh, the things I do for my art…

TDW: Owen’s storyline was left a bit open-ended. He slept with Millicent (Lisa Goldstein) and then we haven’t seen him since really.  Do you think he’ll be back?

Manganiello: Mark said he would… I’m just not sure how, for how long, or in what capacity… But if it were up to me I’d come back right now.

TDW: In another interview you’ve done, you mentioned you filmed a scene where Brooke and Owen ended up together.  Can you tell me more about that?

Manganiello: Not much more to tell… Owen and Brooke were originally scripted to wind up together and we shot those scenes but the producers had other plans for them and had us reshoot a different plot…

TDW:You have a big on-line presence, especially with your fans on Facebook.  In years past you weren’t able to do that. What’s it been like interacting with your fans so much?

Manganiello: It’s been a blast… I love my fans!!!

TDW: Are you still in touch with any of the OTH cast members?

Manganiello: I keep in touch with Sophia and James [Lafferty, Nathan] and Mark and Joe… And I hang out with Robbie [Jones, Quentin] in LA.

TDW: What upcoming projects do you have?

Manganiello: I just pitched a movie to Lionsgate that I am writing and will produce and star in… So that’s exciting… And I can’t officially announce it yet but I just received word that I will be returning to one of the three shows that I recur on…

TDW: Lastly, just for fun, describe Owen in three words and describe yourself in three words.

Manganiello: For both: strong, grounded, sensitive…

Come back next Sunday for another exclusive interview!

Complete TDW Interview Index

Trivia Night Results!

22 07 2009

Thanks to everyone who participated in the first-ever TeenDramaWhore trivia night!

The theme was Beverly Hills 90210 and at our peak we had 10 players.


First Place: @LissaLou30, with 25 out of 30 possible points (MySpace)

Second Place: @GrapeSlush, 24/30

Third Place: @naleymisafan, 20.67/30 (YouTube)

Thanks again to everyone who played. I am grateful for every one of you!

Our next trivia night will be Tuesday (7/28/09) at 7pm with Dawson’s Creek as the theme.

Hope you’ll join us!